Friday, 4 December 2009

Nuendo SyncStation

This week we shipped the first 45 production units to Stienberg, what a relief. The units have been finished awaiting final software for a long time. We can now start on the next batch,

I am expecting to make a lot of small software updates after they arrive with actual customers, but as both the software and most of the hardware is field programmable this should not be a problem. I will try and build a support page for the web site, more details on that later.

Syncstation connects to Nuendo via USB using an extended midi protocol. You can also connect System Link for bit accurate lock. System Link connects differently, SyncStation receives system link from Nuendo instead of sending system link to Nuendo. This allows the audio to be looped through so that you do not lose an audio channel.

My preferred way of using SyncStaion is by making the virtual machine the "Master". In this mode Nuendo follows the MTC via USB and both LTC and MTC are available from SyncStation. Connect both Wordclock/aes clcok and video syncs to SyncStation and run the audio from wordclock/aes clock.

Timecode: To ensure that the timecode is locked it uses the wordclock O/P or I/P to generate timecode. The wordclock(audio) and timecode should always be locked.