Monday, 26 October 2015

TMC-1 and DAD DX32 Integrating Pro tools, Trinnov MC and Apogee Symphony

A interesting recent TMC-1 installation at Sound Generation mixed a number of different interfaces and demonstrates the insert capabilities of the TMC-1/DAD combination.

The DAD provides the Pro Tools interface and audio routing matrix, the Apogee Symphony provides A2D and D2A conversion. The Trinnov MC is used for room equalisation and bass extension. The Trinnov MC is connected as a speaker inserts and be enabled/disabled by the TMC-1.

Simplified System Block Diagram
The Main and Alt output can be up to 64 channels wide and the Mini output up to 12 channels wide.

Input/output Configuration

First name the input and output Modules  (Module Names) and define channel count
Once the Input and output names are defined the input and output channels are defined by selecting the appropriate module and channel, then a simple mouse click will assign this to the selected input/output

Define the Inserts

Name each insert, select the input and output modules then click on each insert input and output to assign. The channel selection auto-increments.

Define Stereo/2.2 Main Outputs and assign Inserts

Define 5.2 Alt Outputs and assign Inserts

Define Stereo Mini Outputs and Assign Inserts 

Define Main Inputs

The alt input was not defined

Define the Input Pallet

Define Cue Inputs

Define Cue Outputs

Define Talkback and Listenback

Once defined the parameters are sent to the TMC-1 which then defines the routing within the DAD DX32 directly.

Gain and Calibration

There are several points to consider in configuring, the TMC-1, the global settings are made in the TMC-1 Advanced Setup menu, the input and output trims are only available when in calibration mode
Insert and Gain Control

SPL display:

85spl represents Unity Gain when all trims are set to 0dB

Input trim: -10 to +20dB in 1dB steps

In digital systems normally there is usually no need to control the inputs but it is sometimes necessary (see a previous blog on how 10dB gain is used with the Dolby RMU to compensate for the 10dB loss.)

Output Trim: +/-4dB in 0.5dB steps

Each individual output has a gain trim

Digital Headroom: 0 to 10dB in 2dB steps

This is a global setting  on all outputs allowing equalisers to be placed in the chain.

 Insert Makeup Gain: 0 to 10dB in 2dB steps

This is a global setting for all inserts to compensate for any loss.

Where analog output cards are used in the AX 32

Analog O/P for 0dBFS: +6, +12, +18 and +24dB

This is a global setting for all Analog outputs


Roland V. said...

Hello !

I'm planning to buy a very similar setup and wanted to have some clarification.

I do have now a trinnov MC ( but in AES only), i will soon own an S6 and a DAD DX32. With the addition of the TMC-PENTA, do i need to buy the Pro mon licence from DAD, or the TMC manage that ?

Thank a lot !


colinbroad said...

Hi Roland
Thanks for reading the blog!
Yes you will need the Pro Mon licence as this enables the summing within DAD. You can get the license at a reduced price if you purchase it with the DAD AX32/DX32 and even less if you buy a analogue module at the same time. I always recommend the AX32 unless you are tight for space as this allows for future expansion.

Best regards
